Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Break the dam!

Recently at essence a friend shared a picture she saw of a dam, I forget everything mentioned, but the water signified the Holy Spirit. It was a similar picture to what I’d seen and thought about during the week. I’ll make it easy and share what I saw.

The dam was quite full, and had what looked like two large hills on either side of it. The front of the dam was made of concrete, this dam didn‘t have any spillways in it to allow the release of water. The dam began to get cracks in it’s wall and water started to flow through them, this continued for a time. Then I saw another picture of what used to be a dam, in it’s place was a huge wall of water bursting it’s way between the hills and confines that once held it. The difference with this one was that it never ever depleted of water, it continued to spill over.

Sometimes I wonder what and who I am. Am I the dam, that refuses to let the water out, but enjoying it’s sustenance, until it begins to taste odd? Do I have spillways and allow water to trickle out now and again because I am so generous and kind?

Or am I more like those hills in the picture, catching and holding water, but also allowing it to flow through and give sustenance to everyone?

Which one are you?


Stephen said...

So good, Darlene. What you've described has been a really consistent theme here, and it's encouraging hearing that similar things are happening back home. Keep writing!

Rachel Kate said...

good post darlz :) something to think about...